Sunday, February 9th, 2025
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Recycling In Warren Township

Web page recycleConsistent with the Warren Township Comprehensive Plan, we began a recycling program to enhance the opportunities for township residents and the surrounding communities to recycle. We currently recycle glass, plastics, aluminum cans, tin cans, newspapers, books, magazines, and cardboard. The response and support by residents has been overwhelming to say the least and we believe that we are making a significant difference by diverting these recyclable resources from the landfill.

The program is being "manned" by local volunteers. By recycling you are not only improving our community environment, but also doing your part to help support local groups.

Normally, recycle dates are the fourth Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to noon. For specific dates and times see the Community Calendar or the home page of this website. Click on the link below for a listing and regulations of what materials are acceptable for recycle.Tire, appliances and other unwanted items can be recycled during April spring clean-up days.

Please review the Recycle Listing and Regulations